New Year's Eve, and not much has changed. I have been sick for well over two weeks now, convinced it's either my heart, my lungs, my brain or any combination of the above.
The dog had a seizure yesterday, the first in a while (though of course I haven't ever tracked them, but they do seem to happen a couple times a year now, less often than they did in the mid 2010s) ((the "mid-2010s"?? Good god, how is this even still happening?)) but it made me want to mention, or document something about KC, and I suppose is true with other dogs who live their entire lives in an urban place that is constantly changing - but she is always remembering places we used to frequent.
She will still stop at the doorway where the entrance to Charles and David's pet store was. The other day, on the way to the library, she stopped at the door of the last Bartell's we used to frequent. She often tries to pull to McCoy's a place we used to go a lot, but as I get older and less inclined to drink and eat bar food (though I miss the social part of it, and should certainly sort out how to just tell them I want water, or coffee or something). She noses at doors she used to know. She is very much my dog in that she seems to retain an understanding of places she loved. Or....we live a horrifically boring existence and these are ingrained in her brain.
Either way. 2024 is happening next, and I am not gonna lie, Mike, I know too much now. Seen too much. Job One this year has to be getting my passport updated so I can get the fuck out of Dodge. If I live long enough.
Why does my dog always jerk when asleep? Is she always seizing?
An election year. Dreading it more than I ever have. People are so fucking stupid. Kids doing crimes, and not in an ironic "Repo Man" sense, literally doing terrible, destructive crimes.
Every now and then, there is a glimmer of hope - for me, it's been our overnight security guy, Mac, who is always so helpful and is so kind to KC and me. Beyond that? Dunno man. I have carved myself a pretty deep niche of no friends, and limited social interaction. Spending most time with my dementia-affected Mom, which is challenging and depressing, to be honest. I try to spin it as best I can, but all it does is underline how alone I am.
Here's hoping I drop dead in the middle of the Camino Santiago.
Though it will probably be in a Safeway, with cherry tomatoes and a rotisserie chicken in my basket.
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