It's a damn good thing you aren't here to see this Mike.
It's all falling apart. Super-late stage capitalism is way more horrifying than I ever expected.
Roe is going down, and once that domino falls, it's curtains for this country...though I still often wonder if the sheer size of this social experiment that masquerades as a superpower will save it from full-on Handmaid's Tale, Taliban, full-on slavery for women nonsense at the hands of the raging christian lunatic nazis who apparently are so incredibly terrified of melanin that they are willing to live in the literal stoneage. I mean, what do I do, 30 years down the line with more of this insane Phyllis Schafly gender traitor bullshit. Women who are convinced they are lesser, dumber, not worthy of being fully-functioning members of society? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, MIKE???
Or George Orwell was right. Wait....we already knew that. also, after the Depp-Herd trial, now defamation of anyone with status or $ (same thing, but who's counting?) will at the very least cost you all the money you will potentially ever have, and surely if you don't have money it will mean jailtime. So scratch "freedom of speech" off the list as well.
I mean even I have been mind-melded into a compliant simp who is easily distracted and mollified by pretty boys and easy access to mind-altering substances.
Agh, even typing this depresses me. What do I do when the thing that used to fix me, that used to help me express myself, put things in perspective and examine the world around me now just is as painful as hiking up a damn hill?
There are things one can do to quell the pain, though, historically it's not the best thing for me long term.
HowEVER. The extistential dread is so overwhelming right now....but look how cute this mfer is:
Hey Mike. Look, I know you always wanted a kid - on our first option to become parents you very vividly made the case that "If we have a kid and teach it to play drums, we'll always have a drummer" - or you may have said it on the occasion of our second chance to have a kid. But either or both times, it struck me as not the best way to approach parenthood. Of course, in hindsight, there's never a best time, or way to have kids. That being said, I am currently both super happy to not be responsible for the aboslute monstrosity of a generation that "Z" is - because in my head, I was all set to regret that I won't have anyone to take care of me in my old age (should I manage to live that long) and relived that none of this bullshit is my fault. Lately though, I don't know if any kid I would have had would give two shits about me (or you) at this point anyway. I mean the one kid you did have has changed their gender, and seems fully on board (as one wou...
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