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For whatever any of this is worth...

Hey Mike. So, it's not better. Young angry guys are still mowing people down in public places all over the US. Last week, it was massage parlors in Atlanta and this week, grocery stores. Fuck this noise. I am disgusted by this country more than ever - because the whole damn pandemic, not one shooting - shit starts opening up and BAM we are back at it. Soon, I suppose we can expect kids to be slaughtered on the reg again once they are back in-person. I want to fucking call my stupid sister in law who has been posting non-stop bitching about how her kids "deserve" to be back in school. Yeah, great, then I can go back to worrying that Mason will die in the lunchroom. And then, today, at work, I had to frigging go all anarchy bear on a poor 20-year old kid who was defending Bezos' "right" to be "successful" and I couldn't help myself: NO ONE NEEDS 300+ BILLION DOLLARS. That's not success, it's just greed. I tried to couch it in "hey, if he paid his people more, they'd have more to spend, and that helps everyone" instead of going all scorched earth and putting all the cards on the table: That bastard killed independant retail commerce in the guise of giving a "marketplace" to small business. He exploits the economy and kills the earth by having thousands of vans delivering goods to people all day every day. He doesn't give back to his community. When I mentioned that he had purchased an entire subdivision of houses in north Virginia (where HQ2 is) in order to keep the public away from his primary house, the kid says to me: "Well, fuck yeah, I'd do that too!" Jesus fucking christ, what is the point? Greed is unstoppable, they all want to be famous, they don't want to DO anything, they just want attention and money. I blame our generation. I hope your damn kid grows up smarter than my nephews - the smart one (in college now) is in a frat, so we have lost him. The middle one is being brain washed by his whiny mom who aspires to all that Bellevue has to offer. The little one is turning into a cast member of Wall-E. I am legit sick of this, and thus have begun actively acquiring and drinking high end tequila. Which is a town in Mexico. I did not know that.


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