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But wait, there's more.

Hey Mike, Seriously, it just gets weirder and more ridiculous (I'd say scary, but I'm not really scared, just anxious for the action to start, really) yesterday the Mango Mussolini held a presser (like he does every day now - every day feels more Orwellian than the last, and our 2 Minute Hates, are 90-minute Rages from Dear Mango Leader, yikes, even typing that creeps me out) in which he started spitballing about "injecting very strong light" maybe even "ultraviolet light" into bodies to kill the virus. THEN came the real fun, the part where he could potentially kill his own constituency, given their predisposition to do whatever he suggests. He suggested "injecting (a) disinfectant or cleanser of some kind" that would kill the germs. Mike - he can't even discern that his consultants were discussing how to kill germs on surfaces. He, like a toddler, immediately says we should shoot people full of bleach. The spooky part is, he's mentioned that before, and he also suggested the chloroquine drug before, and some poor old Fox News watcher ate aquarium cleaner and DIED. Yet, the GOP fucking Nazis just keep letting him go. Does he really have that much power? Do any of them really have that much power? I mean, where is a good guy with a gun when you need one? There has got to be a gun-toting libertarian in that mess of an administration somewhere. Or could we test the bleach on him? I just dunno man, this shit has gone completely around the bend. Charles lost his damn mind, not that he and I were very close anymore, but he was a link to a past I only barely really remember anymore. Ugh. Ok, a full day of being at a Union meeting at noon, and then manning the phone line this afternoon, trying to help people sort through this government nightmare. Cheers buddy, I miss you. Oh! Wait: one last thing that I'm gonna mention, more for me than you. I have been playing in this live pub quiz that Adam has been organizing online for a few weeks now. It's an offshoot of a quiz he mc's in Berlin every week, but since the spot is shut down, he does it live via an online meeting room, and it's so very Adam, I can't help but enjoy it, even though i suck at music trivia. People from all over, of course, and crazy questions that evoke all his fucking mercenary tendencies. I think you know I've loved that shit since our first encounter, and his friendship has been one of the most educational of my life if I'm being honest. So last night, as usual, post-quiz, we were chatting, and i sent a picture of KC (the new pup) and we got to talking about dogs. He mentioned how he'd like to have one, that he knew it would be good for him, (though he wasn't sure if it would be good for the dog) but because he traveled so much it probably wasn't a great idea. Then, in solid Adam fashion, he asked me about if you have to neuter the dogs. I wasn't sure his intention with the question, so I told him you did in Seattle if you want to use public dog areas, and that it is the responsible thing to do. He then challenged me with his hesitancy to impose sterilization on another being. Stopped me in my damn tracks, as he has done many times in my life. I must be getting a little wiser though - we had a polite back and forth with me explaining the duties I thought humans have as custodians of domesticated animals, and how I wasn't convinced that a dog (especially a male dog) would "miss" being a "parent"? - that for domesticated dogs it seems like procreation would be simply a holdover impulse from wild lives a thousand years ago. It reminded me of when Graham accused me of holding Hopey "hostage", by keeping her as a pet. Is it hostage if she's dependant on me? Is that bad? Would she even exist if it weren't for a market willing to buy and sell dogs? His response ultimately was that he'd never been a dog, so he didn't presume to speak for one. It was weird, and yet so refreshing to have a conversation about philosophy. I almost feel like I should thank him for it. But, of course, I probably won't. Anyway, I just thought of you - and did I mention before that he asked about your death last month? Probably did, but I've already forgotten what I've written. Damn all that coke.


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