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No More TV Party

Hi. So...everything except hospitals, construction sites, city workers, grocery stores & pharmacies are open. Buses are free, but enter from the back. The playgrounds are closed, and to be honest none of this is any fun when everyone is being a social dropout. I dunno man. Last night (or maybe the night before? I dunno, it all blends together now) the idiot in the white house floated the idea that people are gonna have to die in order to save the economy. Just put it right out there, and people buy it. All my life, I have wondered how Nazis thought, and now, now I'm seeing it happen in real time. People calling for martial law to keep others indoors to prevent this flu from spreading. I'm torn, because sometimes it is like anarchy is creeping in, then it puts on a wild socialism mask, and then people catch on and everyone drops that and starts waving their american flag sweatshirts around. I am at a loss, and cannot believe you are not here to see this shit go down. All over the world. And then, I consume some media, and both things you would have enjoyed (I think. Perhaps I'm wrong,but back in the day, when we would binge both the news and the PTL club while drinking 151, eating pizza, and occasionally snorting shit we shouldn't have, I feel like we would have been all over these): Tiger King and Pandemic. Both documentaries, and together a perfect yin/yang of how humanity struggles with itself. On the one hand, Pandemeic follows these scientists, doctors and activists who are all in some way fighting on the front lines of flu epidemics and their spread and damage. I mean the bio tech guy from SF who is looking for an overall cure (who skateboards no less) makes me wish I had studied science. His gal pal with the piggy study even more so. Where, oh where did I go wrong? Oh, yeah, probably the 1515 and blow) But even the other scientists and doctors, it was moving. Then I start watching this Tiger thing that is setting the internet on fire and the entire time I'm like: there is no way this shit is real. I still don't believe it completely. People are fucking stupid and crazy. I mean, it's been shit we have said for years (and years) but holy fucking cow Mike, this shit is REAL. The internet has allowed us into every corner of humanity, and it is...not something we should all know about. People can think they are safer in the boonies, but I'm gonna stay here in the city where at least I know where the danger is. Hey, it's a couple days later, and it's almost coming up on the year anniversary of you moving on out of this nightmare hellscape, but I thought you should know that I was talking to Adam today, and he asked about you. He still didn't send condolences, but he genuinely seemed interested in what happened. He asked if I had gone to the funeral, and I said no, and that it seemed like it was gonna be a bit of a shitshow, so I kept out of it.


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