Hi MIke.
So, what am I supposed to do? Both the north and south borders of this country are closed (i mean, as closed as they can be in terms of legal entry - there's gotta be some rivers and mountains you could cross somewhere I supposed if you really needed to get in or out, but for this rant, lets just go with closed as in officially), social gatherings have been canclled and subject to arrest, businesses have been forced to close their small independent businesses (but not industries controlled by people with significant real estate concerns, investments, etc), schools have been closed....the basic forms of news and information are literally coming from tv/internet sources exclusively. None of it is free anymore. There are no open venues for music or performance. Even sports have been called off (that's where it actually got super scary for me, when they hit the redneck pastimes). They have people terrified of a disease that is a strain of a common virus. We are literally living in a Margret Atwood book. What are we supposed to do? I was watching as much of Trumps fucking daily 60-minute hate fest, and it was as clear as it has ever been: he genuinely is shocked that people are nice to each other without ulterior motives. His soulless carcass cannot conceive of public good. It's horrifying. It's all super terrifying, and still I feel more worried about the overall downfall of society, than me being tossed out on my ass in May when I still don't have a job. It's weird - it's a really strange anthropological moment happening. Goddamn I wish you were here, if only to read your FB posts and see how distracting things can get. In my more paranoid moments, I am worried about how much control the billionaires really had. How they pushed the consumerism so far, so fast, and now it is blowing up in their faces (you've never seen so many people talking about socialism as Congress literally passes laws to hand free money and support to people and businesses if they will only just look away while they keep the supply lines open to their banks. I know there are people who see it too, but man, socialists are so dogmatic. Where are the anarchopunks of old? The DIY people who are now 50? I thought Beto was one, and then he backed BIDEN. For fucks sake, shoot me in the heart you stupid trust fund brat. The State of WA has just created an online "complaint" form to turn in your neighbors or businesses who are not complying with the "no assembly" orders. The fuck, man? Franklin said it and it's true: people are just giving up their liberty and being trained to turn each other in. They practiced on the black folks, using cops as demonstrators and, then turned it into a meme to take the sting out, and now, it's your damn public duty to turn in your neighbor for having a damn barbeque. I'm not saying people shouldn't be thoughtful about having a communicable disease but, for crying out loud, we are turning people into the cops for this?
And, yet, NONE the gun-toting 2nd Amendment folks who demand their damn gun rights have the balls to use them to remove the Mango Mussolini. I'm at a loss. We have NO Jon Hinklys left in this word? Fucking unabomber took the stuffing out of homegrown terrorism a long time ago. Americans are so fucking stupid, so easily led to slaughter. I have been seeing footage of other countries dragging people who have "tested positive" for a virus that presents as the flu. Will I be surprised when journalists start being hauled off to jail for having the sniffles or a cough? Fuck me if this isn't completely off the rails. I feel like the 4 horses should be galloping down the street any minute. You got off the ride at the right time buddy. These have literally been the worst years of my life. I mean, I hated W, but my life was not actively worse because of him. I've always been broke, and hell, I got to surf the food world wave at exactly the right time. So there's that. Anyway, I wonder what all the people who are in bands (who aren't famous enough to be able to keep fans entertained by posting on instagram) will do? What are they doing? They'll all lost their practice spaces. I wonder where people practice in this town anymore anyway....
Hey Mike. Look, I know you always wanted a kid - on our first option to become parents you very vividly made the case that "If we have a kid and teach it to play drums, we'll always have a drummer" - or you may have said it on the occasion of our second chance to have a kid. But either or both times, it struck me as not the best way to approach parenthood. Of course, in hindsight, there's never a best time, or way to have kids. That being said, I am currently both super happy to not be responsible for the aboslute monstrosity of a generation that "Z" is - because in my head, I was all set to regret that I won't have anyone to take care of me in my old age (should I manage to live that long) and relived that none of this bullshit is my fault. Lately though, I don't know if any kid I would have had would give two shits about me (or you) at this point anyway. I mean the one kid you did have has changed their gender, and seems fully on board (as one wou...
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