Hey Mike. So, I took a couple weeks to move into a new apartment: same building, same floor of said building, but on the other side - so my windows now face the Sound and Smith tower, and not just overlook PSQ's bus tunnel entrance and the non-stop parade of humanity that exists in spite of all efforts to eradicate it here in downtown. Seattle's protests are three days behind Minneapolis' but you know, it's rainy and cold here, and the kids have to put down their Animal Crossing to get in on the action. Protest is a young person's game (mostly). Anyway. So, remember when I said I was waiting for the action to start? Well, it turns out that when you keep a nation penned up in their homes, delete their jobs, and then continue on with the same racist and classist bullshit, people will be driven to action, and that action was chaotic, and yet, sort of encouraging? Look. Remember the WTO stuff? Remember feeling like the people who were rioting probably didn't have m...